Meet us in Töölö for a fun event!

31.03.2017 | | Emilia Kokkonen

Come and join us at our Töölö campus for MeetHELBUS on Tuesday June 13th, 2.00-4.00 p.m. You will learn about studying at HELBUS from current students, as well as have the opportunity to hear from staff. During this event you’ll have a chance to ask questions for example about admissions, studying and life at HELBUS. 
Feel free to come alone or to bring a friend or a parent with you.
  • Date and time: Thursday June 30th 2017, at 2.00-4.00pm
  • Place: Töölöntullinkatu 6, Helsinki
 If you know already that you will be coming, please register your interest hereWelcome!

Emilia Kokkonen


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