Your development

At HELBUS, we strive to develop well-rounded business professionals that are capable of meeting the challenges facing modern business. Our curriculum has been designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills in order to succeed in international business with clear progression and development right from level four (equivalent to the first year of the Bachelor’s), right the way through to level seven and the MBA.


Level four refers to the academic standard of the first year of your Bachelor’s studies. The modules that you will encounter here are focused on providing a solid foundation of core learning in practical skills, research competencies and both self- and directed-learning. You will explore the basic concepts of business and learn how these are affected by the business environment, develop transferable skills that will help you function effectively independently and in teams, and learn how to problem-solve and communicate your solutions.


Theoretical knowledge is useless without the ability to apply it in the workplace. At the second year of your studies you will have already developed a strong understanding of business principles, and now you will learn to utilise that foundation by evaluating alternative approaches to new challenges and demonstrating critical-thinking in decision-making and problem-solving.


Nearing the end of your Bachelor programme, you will be required to take responsibility for your own learning as you build upon your prior academic work and prepare yourself for a career in business and management, or for postgraduate study. You will cover a range of topics, allowing you flexibility to explore your own personal individual interests and to further develop the competencies that best correspond to your professional aspirations.


Standing out in the job market can be tough, but holding an MBA ensures that you can do just that. Studying at level seven on our pre-experience MBA develops the core knowledge and skills required to succeed in all critical business areas and functions. Considered a generalist degree with a broad, inclusive approach, the focus of the qualification is in supporting career progression through enhancing critical thinking and research skills, challenging convention, and developing confidence your own ability to design knowledge-based solutions to contemporary business issues.

