New Students


Dear new student,

Congratulations on choosing HELBUS Helsinki School of Business as your study place, and a warm welcome from all of us to you! Here are a few tips ahead of starting your new study programme with us. You will receive detailed information about a month before your studies start in the New Student Letter. If you have any questions in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

It may seem quite overwhelming to start your studies, especially if you are moving to Helsinki from abroad or another city. We hope that this information will help you with that!

Planning for your arrival

If you need to find housing, please read more here. HELBUS is located in downtown Helsinki, Töölö. There are several nice residential areas close by, and the public transport connections to campus are excellent. If you are an international student, you may need to book a hostel or private accommodation for the first few weeks of your study.

Applying for Kela financial aid (eligible for Finnish nationals)

HELBUS students are eligible to apply for the Kela study grant and loan for studies abroad, studying for a UK degree, if they fulfil the KELA requirements otherwise. Find out more here. Please check here if you fulfil the Kela eligibility requirements for financial aid. You can apply for aid after receiving your official acceptance certificate.

Course schedules

To plan ahead, please view the important term dates for the programmes here:

We recommend that you add the important dates to your personal diaries, especially if planning trips or other engagements. Do remember that attendance in class is required, so try to ensure that your trips and other events in your life do not interfere with your studies.

New Student Orientation

Orientation (aka Welcome week) is mandatory for all new students and will normally take place on the week before your actual studies start. It not only provides important information about your upcoming studies, but also helps you connect with your new study colleagues and start forging some important friendships. The dates and venue are found in your New Student Letter. Do also follow our social media sites to get more information about orientation events.

Prepare your gear

All assignments are made and submitted electronically. Each student must have a laptop and MS Office (or equivalent), and a good internet connection. To ensure that all your work is backed up, we recommend the use of a cloud service.


We will communicate all important matters via email so do ensure that our messages to you don’t go into your spam folder. Please make sure any changes in your personal details are shared with the school.








