Alumni Stories
Aleksi Yrtti
Krista Korpela
Linda Nylund
A massive consideration for choosing Northampton was that I was able to complete my Bachelor’s studies in July and received my certificate in August. This allowed me to apply for Master’s studies, which usually start in September.
Looking back, I can really see how HELBUS helped me to develop a positive outlook toward business studies and prepared me for my time in England. I found it easy to understand the concepts related to business and management because I had already studied them in some detail at HELBUS. Without HELBUS, I also would not have been able to start my Master’s degree programme only two years since I started to study at HELBUS.
Thank you for everyone in HELBUS that you have made it possible for me to be this far in my studies.
Martin Wichmann
After studying the first two years at HELBUS I graduated with my Bachelor’s from EU Business School in Munich, Germany, and am now earning my Bachelor’s from HELBUS, too. My experience in Munich was very useful not only for the business management skills I acquired but also through the connections I made with people from all over the world, and new business ideas we started developing together. After my return to Finland I joined a small company called Flow Drinks as a Sales Manager. The company is reinventing itself, developing its brand and has ambitious globalisation plans, which offers me a fascinating window to how a start-up company after initial difficulties starts witnessing success and growing its operations. Additionally, I have started an internet and importing business called TechFerm with some friends of mine. My studies at HELBUS and the extraordinary professors gave me a solid foundation of success in my final year of the Bachelor’s and I’ve found my studies extremely useful when setting up and developing new businesses.